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The pub show
Hello, my name's Helen and I'm a pet behaviourist (BSc, hons) and dog trainer based in Cheltenham and Gloucestershire. I have over 18 years experience working with dogs - specialising with reactive and nervous dogs.

How dog friendly are pubs in general?

спрашиваетTom De Nert  · 1 ответ
It's great to see lots of pubs opening their doors to owners and their dogs, but just how friendly are they to our four legged friends? Well it really depends on the layout of the pub... Читать далее

Is darts becoming more popular as a sport and why?

спрашиваетStefan Marusiak  · 1 ответ
That‘s nearly a year too late, but why not. I don‘t really know why. I could only try to speculate, but I relly don‘t know. But I‘m pretty sure, darts is getring far more popular. A... Читать далее