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Author of several books on etiquette, including Her Ladyship’s Guide to the Art of Conversation, published by Batsford.

Is it good etiquette to use your mobile phone on public transport?

спрашиваетJohn McKie  · 1 ответ
Well, it would be wonderful to say that "yes, it is completely unacceptable" – but that’s unrealistic. I think we’ve bowed to the inevitable and these days people will use their phones... Читать далее
Tor Browser Co-Founder and President

Is there a safe and secure way to transcribe audio recordings using software that won't save the audio or text, or provide it to third parties?

спрашиваетOlga Zeveleva  · 1 ответ

Thanks for this question.

We would expect the folks at WITNESS to have useful suggestions on this kind of transcription software: https://witness.org/

Scott Lucas, Professor of American Politics at the University of Birmingham, editor of EA Worldview. @scottlucas_EA

Could President Donald Trump press the nuclear button on a whim?

спрашиваетTheQSTN.com Team  · 1 ответ
No, he can’t. But we have to be very clear between the scenario which is usually used – an imminent strike on the US, and whether the president would respond with nuclear weapons – and... Читать далее
Visiting Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Research in Cognitive Science, School of Informatics, University of Sussex.

Would it be morally wrong to have sex with a sentient robot?

спрашиваетEdie Mullen  · 1 ответ
This really splinters into lots of sub-questions. The main thing is whether the robots are sentient, and then it depends on what one means by ‘having sex’, which covers a multitude of... Читать далее
BBC Click’s longest serving presenter, author of new novel Elite: Mostly Harmless, @katerussell

What will be the biggest technological change of the next 10 years?

спрашиваетTheQSTN.com Team  · 1 ответ
It’s not very sexy. You’d think I’d say something like mixed reality, AI or robotics – but no. The most seismic change will be in cyber security. From 25 May 2018, the Data Protection... Читать далее
Visiting Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Research in Cognitive Science, School of Informatics, University of Sussex.

Would it be morally wrong to kill a sentient machine?

спрашиваетTheQSTN.com Team  · 1 ответ
The question as you pose it is actually quite worrying. You could have asked: could there be any circumstances under which it would be morally okay to kill a sentient machine? If you were... Читать далее
University of Cambridge PhD researcher, Computer Science and Technology Department

Is blockchain really more secure than other systems?

спрашиваетOlga Zeveleva  · 1 ответ
A blockchain is just a blob of data. What matters is how you maintain that blob of data, and how you are using it. So if you are going to compare bitcoin to a centralised server, like... Читать далее
Data Analyst

How can I protect myself from identity theft?

спрашиваетStephen Eastwood  · 2 ответа
Shielding your private information with no risk of a breakdown may be impossible these days. But there are some simple ways to protect you from becoming a victim of Identity Theft. 1... Читать далее
Помощь пользователям ПК и ноутбуков - спрашивайте

Что делает инженер-программист?

Расскажите подробно
спрашиваетНикита Гутник  · 1 ответ
Инженер-программист - это настоящий волшебник технологий! Этот человек занимается разработкой программного обеспечения для компьютеров, мобильных устройств, веб-сайтов и многого другого... Читать далее
Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze

Хочу открыть стартап, ориентированный на СНГ. Какие есть сильные технические стартапы в данных регионах?

спрашиваетLucy Bichakhchyan  · 2 ответа
Дорогой будущий стартапер, за тебя твоё домашнее задание ни кто делать не будет. Познакомься ближе с темпом и стилем работы стартаперов и ты поймёшь насколько глупый твой вопрос. Хотя...)... Читать далее