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I have worked in NHS for 35 years and very proud and fond of it and I have done various leaderships roles and been Medical Director for more than 12 years NHS and patient safety is my special interest and given more than 200 lectures.

How much would the NHS cost to use if it was a private, commercial service?

спрашиваетJody Thompson  · 3 ответа
It is simply madness even to consider privatising NHS. NHS and social care are two of our best assets. Health is the wealth of nation. For people to produce wealth they must be healthy... Читать далее
Professor of biostatistics and cancer epidemiology at the Wolfson Institute at Queen Mary University of London. @petersasieni

Why is the risk of cancer now up from 1:3 to 1:2 in the UK among people born since 1965??

спрашиваетDavid Laurie  · 1 ответ
Although the figure that one in two people in the UK born after 1960 are at risk sounds frightening, the main reason for this increase is actually a good one. It’s because more and more... Читать далее
Health Journalist.

Is the privatisation of certain NHS services really such a bad thing?

спрашиваетJody Thompson  · 2 ответа
"If Virgin have taken over a GPs’ surgery, then they should say that these GPs’ surgeries are being provided by Virgin not by the NHS, but they still keep using the NHS logo.They don’t... Читать далее
Research Fellow at Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences, University of Oxford, @OxPrimaryCare

What exactly is White Coat Syndrome and is there any way of overcoming it?

спрашиваетEdna Gittins  · 1 ответ
White coat syndrome is a phenomenon whereby patients go to see their GP or a doctor in a hospital, and the stress they feel at seeing a medical professional causes their blood pressure to... Читать далее
Senior Policy Adviser at The King’s Fund, an independent charity working to improve health and care in England. @TheKingsFund. Personal Twitter: @helenamacarena

If the money was available, how could we fix the NHS?

спрашиваетMartin Bojtos  · 1 ответ
The first thing to say is that survey data suggests that public satisfaction with the NHS is still pretty high. We work with the British Social Attitudes survey, which last year found... Читать далее
Former deputy chair of the British Medical Association council. Ex-chair of NHS trust and GP. Campaigner and passionate supporter of the NHS. @KailashChandOBE

Do people really understand what’s happening in the NHS in 2016?

спрашиваетJody Thompson  · 1 ответ
By and large, the public have little awareness of the impact of what is happening in the NHS, particularly in relation to austerity, budget cuts and social care cuts. Also, they think... Читать далее
Former deputy chair of the British Medical Association council. Ex-chair of NHS trust and GP. Campaigner and passionate supporter of the NHS. @KailashChandOBE

Why should people have cosmetic procedures on the NHS when they can pay for it themselves?

спрашиваетJody Thompson  · 1 ответ
It’s a myth that this happens a lot. The amount of money spent on cosmetic surgery by the NHS is just a fraction. It’s hardly anything. In comparison, the NHS spends almost £4.5bn on... Читать далее
Professor of biostatistics and cancer epidemiology at the Wolfson Institute at Queen Mary University of London. @petersasieni

Why is the risk of cancer now up from 1:3 to 1:2 in the UK among people born since 1965?

Анонимный вопрос  · 1 ответ
Although the figure that one in two people in the UK born after 1960 are at risk sounds frightening, the main reason for this increase is actually a good one. It’s because more and more... Читать далее
Пользователь TheQuestion

Why have we not heard about Virgin taking over GP practices?

спрашиваетPeter Jeffries  · 1 ответ

Hello Peter - you will probably find that the answer at this link  to be useful. Thank you for your question.