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Покраснение на коже постоянно и уже года два. Оно никак не растёт, но постоянно отшелушивается, кожа становится розовой. Что делать?

Покраснение на коже постоянно и уже года два. Оно никак не растёт, но постоянно отшелушива... Развернуть
спрашиваетVladisß Sergeevich  · 1 ответ
Пятна правильной круглой формы? Это может быть стригущий лишай. А то и что еще хуже. Ноги в руки и бегом к дерматологу или в кожно-венерический диспансер, сдайте анализы и выясните, что... Читать далее
Dr Andy McEwen Executive Director, National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training (NCSCT)

Is nicotine itself harmful?

спрашиваетLili Harges  · 1 ответ
How one frames the question here will frame the answer. Is nicotine completely safe? No, but then nothing is completely safe. The function of nicotine in a tobacco plant is as an... Читать далее
Research Fellow at Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences, University of Oxford, @OxPrimaryCare

What exactly is White Coat Syndrome and is there any way of overcoming it?

спрашиваетEdna Gittins  · 1 ответ
White coat syndrome is a phenomenon whereby patients go to see their GP or a doctor in a hospital, and the stress they feel at seeing a medical professional causes their blood pressure to... Читать далее
Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience at University College London. @sophiescott

What are the biggest things we don’t know about the way the brain works?

спрашиваетJoe Mugford  · 1 ответ
It would probably be quicker to answer with what we DO know about the way the brain works, because it’s just fewer things. But there’s a few key things that are real unexplored territory.... Читать далее
Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience at University College London. @sophiescott

What has determined the apparent rise in OCD-type behaviours?

спрашиваетTheQSTN.com Team  · 1 ответ
As far as we can tell, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is not actually on the rise. But a very important thing you need to understand with a psychiatric label like OCD is that there’s... Читать далее
Medical director of CREATE Fertility, senior consultant gynaecologist, lead consultant for reproductive medicine services at St George’s Hospital, @GeetaNargund

What’s the single most important thing a woman can do for a successful pregnancy?

спрашиваетTheQSTN.com Team  · 1 ответ
Of course it’s vital to keep yourself healthy, to eat well, not smoke and get plenty of rest when you’re pregnant but I would say the single most important thing you can do to ensure a... Читать далее
Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience at University College London. @sophiescott

Is there any reliable evidence for cannabis as a cure for different diseases? If there is, will British doctors be allowed to prescribe it?

спрашиваетTheQSTN.com Team  · 1 ответ
The main thing to understand is that cannabis is an unbelievably complex drug. It's got something like 545 chemical compounds, of which 104 are cannabinoids. And pretty much all of those... Читать далее
Prof Ali Tavassoli is a Cancer Research UK-funded professor of chemical biology at the University of Southampton. @DrAliTavassoli

Is cancer a single disease or a group of different disorders?

спрашиваетAlan Worsley  · 1 ответ
All cancers share the underlying principle that they start when a normal healthy cell 'goes rogue'. But beyond this premise, the term 'cancer' can account for a broad range of diseases... Читать далее
Former deputy chair of the British Medical Association council. Ex-chair of NHS trust and GP. Campaigner and passionate supporter of the NHS. @KailashChandOBE

Will robots really provide our healthcare in the future?

спрашиваетJody Thompson  · 1 ответ
Robots have been in use now in the NHS for the last ten years. Even private companies are using robots to do observation duties like taking blood pressure, pulse and so on, rather than... Читать далее
Professor of biostatistics and cancer epidemiology at the Wolfson Institute at Queen Mary University of London. @petersasieni

Why is the risk of cancer now up from 1:3 to 1:2 in the UK among people born since 1965?

Анонимный вопрос  · 1 ответ
Although the figure that one in two people in the UK born after 1960 are at risk sounds frightening, the main reason for this increase is actually a good one. It’s because more and more... Читать далее