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Может ли человек выжить, потребляя только сперму и воду?

спрашиваетArgus Kos  · 1 ответ
Может - дольше, чем на одной воде. Одна стандартная порция спермы содержит несколько калорий и в питательном плане состоит преимущественно из белка. В половине чашки спермы столько же... Читать далее
языки, поэзия, путешествия

How much caviar is too much caviar?

спрашиваетThe Moscow Times  · 2 ответа

Doesn't exist so much caviar to have as much caviar, though there's as much caviar to have as much as your caviar soul wants.

Caviar wish is unlimited.

Nutrition BSc, King's College London. @masha_budr

What's the healthiest sandwich I can buy from Pret a Manger?

спрашиваетAndrew Harrison  · 1 ответ
To answer this question, we should start with a definition of 'the healthiest'. According to the National Diet and Nutrition Survey, the British population has tremendously high intakes... Читать далее
User of The Question

How many carrots would you have to eat to make yourself ill?

спрашиваетAndrew Harrison  · 2 ответа
Thank you, this is very useful and I shall be showing it to my wife who eats carrots by the ton. One more thing: is there any truth in the urban myth that if you eat too many carrots you... Читать далее
Nutrition BSc, King's College London. @masha_budr

If a zombie apocalypse happens, what food should I get from the supermarket to help me survive longer?

спрашиваетТоня Самсонова  · 1 ответ
Water. When the zombie apocalypse happens, there are high chances that clean water won't be easily accessible. Even if you run out of food, your body will use the reserves, such as... Читать далее
Landscape and Garden Designer at Nash Garden Design, and gold medal winner at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show. @nashgarden

Will global warming enable me to grow tropical plants in my garden?

спрашиваетJody Thompson  · 1 ответ
I’m not a climate expert, but I don’t see the UK becoming tropical any time soon! I take global warming very seriously and the human race’s impact on the climate and environment. Anyone... Читать далее
Сейчас пенсионер, за прошедшую жизнь накопилось много знаний и информации, которой делюсь. Интересуюсь: техника, ПК, ранобе,

Lev Luchko - Лучко Лев. Was isst du zum Frühstück? Что ты ешь на завтрак?

Ich esse zum Frühstück ein Brötchen (булочка) mit Wurst (колбаса), Käse (сыр) oder... Развернуть
Тема  интересная и жизненно важная для любого человека "Что ты ешь на завтрак?".  Лично Я , так меня приучила мама с раннего детства на завтрак ем суп с хлебом, количество зависит от... Читать далее
Nutrition BSc, King's College London. @masha_budr

Which culture has the healthiest diet?

спрашиваетТоня Самсонова  · 1 ответ
There is obviously no definite answer for this question (yet!). However, in Europe, the Mediterranean diet considered to be an effective prevention against cardio-vascular diseases... Читать далее

Is organic food worth the price?

спрашиваетLucy Land  · 2 ответа
In developed countries,where supply of food is not an issue, I believe that organic farming should be encouraged over mass production. Organic food (or just high quality food) should... Читать далее
Nutritionist and columnist. @AmandaUrsell

What should we all eat more of?

спрашиваетMartin Aston  · 1 ответ
Britain has the National Diet And Nutrition Survey, a cohort of people that’s very carefully chosen to give a representative example of here we are in terms of what we eat, which happens... Читать далее