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Former Mayor of Minneapolis, Vice-Chair of the Democratic National Committee. @RT_Mayor101

What really went wrong with Hillary Clinton’s campaign?

спрашиваетAndrew Harrison  · 1 ответ
The big challenge was that those of us who are Democrats, and our candidate, presented a lot of things we were for, but not a compelling vision that brought the country together. There... Читать далее
Former Mayor of Minneapolis, Vice-Chair of the Democratic National Committee. @RT_Mayor101

What should the Democrats do now to oppose Donald Trump?

спрашиваетStuart Muirhead  · 1 ответ
We have to co-operate when it’s helpful, but primarily fight with every ounce every single unacceptable strategy he has, all while holding out the positive vision we have of a united... Читать далее
Katherine & Frank Price Endowed Chair for the Study Of Race and Popular Culture, University of Southern California, author of “The Notorious Ph.D’s Guide To The Super Fly 70s”, among others. @drtoddboyd

Was Barack Obama a liberal president?

спрашиваетTheQSTN.com Team  · 1 ответ
Well, these terms are all relative. If you compare Barack Obama to Donald Trump, he seems especially liberal. If you compare him to Karl Marx, perhaps not so much. I think of Obama as a... Читать далее
Associate Professor of American History, University of Nottingham. Co-author of ‘Radicals In America: The US Left Since The Second World War’. @amcannotts

What should the Democratic Party do after the Trump victory?

спрашиваетEdie Mullen  · 1 ответ
The debate within the Democratic Party for a long while now has been between a centrist wing which the Clintons typified, and a more liberal wing. That liberal wing, led by Senator Bernie... Читать далее
Former Mayor of Minneapolis, Vice-Chair of the Democratic National Committee. @RT_Mayor101

Should the Democrats now adopt Bernie Sanders’ policies?

спрашиваетAndrew Harrison  · 1 ответ
Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders both brought great things to this election, but neither of them represented the full body of what Democrats should do. Sanders articulated what... Читать далее
Scott Lucas, Professor of American Politics at the University of Birmingham, editor of EA Worldview. @scottlucas_EA

Has Obama delivered the hope and change he promised?

спрашиваетTheQSTN.com Team  · 1 ответ
He delivered the possibility of it. A hope of hope. And that’s really what you’ve got to cling onto. He delivered the hope of hope that America can be a better place, that America could... Читать далее