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I am an expat in Berlin. Where should I go and what should I see?

спрашиваетNatasha Sarana  · 2 ответа

Or you can just ask our locals in Berlin
They will be really happy to help you with recommendations :)


What happened to Germans who lived in Königsberg/Kaliningrad after World War II?

спрашиваетOlga Zeveleva  · 2 ответа
My grandmother (1922-2015) was from Königsberg, and while this doesn't make me an expert nor give my views any particular credibility, I can relay what was passed on to me. Please note... Читать далее
Senior lecturer in journalism at University of Lincoln, writer for Die Zeit. @ImkeHenkel

How should Germany respond to the attack in Berlin?

спрашиваетEmma Nelson  · 1 ответ
The first thing should really be a focus on intelligence and security responses. There are still so many questions and we don’t really know what really led to this horrifying attack... Читать далее
11th grade student in Offenbach, Germany

What is the school system like in Germany?

спрашиваетAnna Walker  · 1 ответ
First, German  schools are free of charge. There is no school uniform or dress code and it's compulsory to go to school for children from six to sixteen.  German Primary school start when... Читать далее
Senior lecturer in journalism at University of Lincoln, writer for Die Zeit. @ImkeHenkel

Where does this latest attack leave Germany in terms of its role as Europe's policeman?

спрашиваетEmma Nelson  · 1 ответ
I'm not sure it will change. We knew about terrorist threats. The security services will have been alert, although they might not have been alert enough. There will certainly be ongoing in... Читать далее
Senior lecturer in journalism at University of Lincoln, writer for Die Zeit. @ImkeHenkel

How will the Berlin attack change politics in Germany?

спрашиваетEmma Nelson  · 1 ответ
With the upcoming elections it might well have an influence. The support for Merkel is still quite high but it might give the AFD (Alternative für Deutschland) a boost. But I say that... Читать далее