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Что такое advertising?

спрашиваетНяжыла Ямант  · 2 ответа
Advertisingс английского означает «рекламирование», «реклама». Также существует слово «advertisement», которое не нужно путать с первым. Оба слова связаны с рекламной сферой, однако... Читать далее
Web developer, journalist, translator / Разработчик сайтов, журналист, переводчик

What are the key trends in digital media, online content and marketing for 2017?

спрашиваетJoanna Witt  · 2 ответа
I'd like to add a few more points to Martin's excellent round-up. 5. AI Artificial intelligence, deep neural network, machine learning technologies are advancing at an incredible pace... Читать далее

Am I as immune to advertising as I think?

спрашиваетStephen Eastwood  · 2 ответа
Being aware of being manipulated through advertising is a first step to immune yourself. But, obviously, you'll never be 100% free of ad manipulation. It is well known that companies... Читать далее
Author of The Book of Christmas (Ebury Press, £9.99) and numerous books on British history and traditions. janestruthers.com @JaneStruthers

Does the modern depiction of Santa really come from a Coca-Cola advert?

спрашиваетJames Medd  · 1 ответ
No. This is an urban myth. What is true is that Santa Claus, to give him his American name, was depicted in Coca-Cola adverts in the 1930s wearing his regulation red and white outfit... Читать далее
Reader in Advertising and Digital Media and Director of the Media and Persuasive Communication Network, Bangor University. @digi_ad

Do charities spend too much on advertising?

спрашиваетStephen Eastwood  · 1 ответ
I think charities spending a lot of money on advertising can occasionally backfire from a PR point of view, but it’s fair to say that you have to look at whether the advertising is... Читать далее
Reader in Advertising and Digital Media and Director of the Media and Persuasive Communication Network, Bangor University. @digi_ad

Do Christmas advertising campaigns start too early in the year?

спрашиваетStephen Eastwood  · 1 ответ
For me, as a general consumer, the answer is yes, most certainly so! But from the point of view of marketers and advertisers, I think you’ve got to assume that it works. They don’t start... Читать далее
Danny Blackburn is Content Director for award-winning digital marketing agency Stickyeyes. He's overseen online projects for many major UK businesses and was formerly head of the digital journalism and social media team at the Press Association.

The world of advertising is becoming a bit like Big Brother - is it becoming too much?

спрашиваетCon Yek  · 1 ответ
Brands need to think more about what people actually want from them As a digital marketing bod, I spend a lot of time auditing websites for work and that means I get served a pretty weird... Читать далее
Reader in Advertising and Digital Media and Director of the Media and Persuasive Communication Network, Bangor University. @digi_ad

Are deliberately annoying adverts ever effective?

спрашиваетStephen Eastwood  · 1 ответ
Well, the answer’s yes, unfortunately! Deliberately annoying ads do stick in our minds. The UK is known particularly for having a quite creative advertising environment. The US typically... Читать далее
Reader in Advertising and Digital Media and Director of the Media and Persuasive Communication Network, Bangor University. @digi_ad

What do people get wrong about the advertising industry?

спрашиваетStephen Eastwood  · 1 ответ
Hmm, at a very basic level we still think that ads are all about images in magazines, billboards and on TV screens. But it really is a new world now and, as more money is spent online... Читать далее