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Champions league
Author of Forza Italia! The Fall And Rise Of Italian Football. World Soccer Italy correspondent.

Can a Serie A team win the Champions League this season?

спрашиваетAndrew Harrison  · 1 ответ
Only Juventus. For them, the Champions League is not a dream, it’s a seasonal objective. They’re currently equipped to match Barcelona, Madrid et al. Indeed, the Juventus side that got... Читать далее
Football columnist, author of The Life And Times Of Herbert Chapman: The Story Of One Of Football’s Most Influential Figures (W&N).

Can Spurs cut it in the Champions League?

спрашиваетTheQSTN.com Team  · 1 ответ
Spurs proved last season they could manage the riding of two horses in both the Europa League and Premier League while nearly going the distance, so yes. The Champions League might even... Читать далее