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How to read books quicker?

Yan Sidyakin
  · 115

How to read books more quickly?

Read them constantly, every day. Make them part of your daily routine. Personally, I realized the speed of reading doesn’t really depend on how fast you read a particular book, but rather how involved you are in a particular topic. The more interested you are, the more slowly you read the book, paradoxically. Just if your aim is to finish up the book as fast as you can, read not in sentences, but in paragraphs. Cling to words and phrases that might help you catch up with the idea and move on. Some people say one can read twelve books a year. But one can read twenty-four or thirty-six books a year, depending on their eagerness. But with regard to all this, my advice is the following: don’t spare time to read REALLY GOOD BOOKS, and read average books in paragraphs. Read every day and stop reading after fifty pages if you feel that’s not really your thing. Hopefully, this will come in handy!

Люблю узнавать что-то новое. День, когда ты не пополнил свою копилку знаний – прожит зря!  · 9 сент 2018

An answer is very simple. You must read more books, you must read everyday for 3 hours and more. A little time passed and you understand that usual secret.