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Can I grow coffee in a greenhouse?

Food & drinkNatureGardening
Jody Thompson
  · 881
Landscape and Garden Designer at Nash Garden Design, and gold medal winner at the RHS...  · 30 нояб 2016

Yes, but it would be tough to get a cup of coffee out of it. 

The problem is, coffee is a tropical plant that prefers to live at high altitudes, between 600 and 1200 metres. Below those levels, the plant is more vulnerable to pest attack and once undermined, it won’t produce anything. You’d need a hot house and keep it heated for a considerable amount of time. 

"There’s not much chance of getting a cup of coffee unless you invest a lot of time, energy and do it on a big scale." 

For coffee beans to ripen sufficiently, you’ve also got to get the watering and soil conditions right –it can’t be too wet at the wrong time or you could lose the plant and there’s got to be quite a long period of dry conditions. It’s quite sensitive. You can produce the beans, but it’s getting them to a ripened stage to make it worthwhile that’s really difficult. There’s not much chance of getting a cup of coffee unless you invest a lot of time, energy and do it on a big scale. 


You'd need around seventy beans to make one cup of coffee. It would be more of an ornamental house plant or talking point if you want to make the effort to give it a go. You wouldn’t grow it to make coffee. It’s better to buy some good quality coffee and stick the kettle on!