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My Russian wife told me, "The hand that pours the wine can not change". Is this a real thing, or was she just too lazy to pour?

The moscow timesRussian customsWine
Алекс Моррис
  · 704
Студент Авиационного Института, самоучка. Люблю узнавать что-то новое и необычное и...  · 12 окт 2016

There are many alcoholic traditions in Russia. And one of them is "the hand that pours the wine can not change". Why is that? I think, even Russians couldn't tell you. Some traditions are so old, that you use them, but don't know the origin of them. If you ask a Russian about it, one can say to you that changing hand can lead to a quarrel between drinking people, others can say to you the alcohol may be changed in its taste, and some people will say to you it is a very funny tradition in drinking culture and they use it only for fun. In short, using this tradition leads to a luck.