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Is veganism healthy?

Красота и здоровьеВегетарианствоThequestionuk
Lucy Land
  · 115
Абитуриент, биолог-любитель, книголюб.  · 2 авг 2016

There are many people and there are also different opinions. As for me, veganism is not so good as people tend to think. We should eat meat for getting proteins and nucleic acids. It helps us "build" our organism and get enough power. Many of proteins can be found in animal products only. We also cannot live without vegetables as it contains carbohydrates and water. I think we have to eat both - meat and vegetables to be really strong and healthy. As we all can see, even many diets usually contain animal products as well as fruits and vegetables in the menu. But if someone really can't stand the way we get meat, let him eat what he wants to. (I guess even then he should drink milk or whatever, because his organism will still need proteins and acids). And thank you for your question! It gives me chance to imrove my English skills (hope there not so many mistakes). Have a nice day! :)