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Vaughan Roberts

Rector at St Mary’s Collegiate Church, Warwick. Co-author of 'Personal Jesus: How Popular Music Shapes Our Souls' and contributor to the Bloomsbury Handbook to Religion & Popular Music. @VaughanSRoberts
Активность на Кью
Rector at St Mary’s Collegiate Church, Warwick. Co-author of 'Personal Jesus: How Popular Music Shapes Our Souls' and contributor to the Bloomsbury Handbook to Religion & Popular Music. @VaughanSRoberts

Is there a place for popular music in religion and religious practices?

спрашиваетMaria Kornienko  · 1 ответ
This is a fascinating question because it opens up a discussion about precisely what we are exploring with these terms. What is ‘popular’ music? What is ‘religion’? And then how do they in... Читать далее