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Dr Michael Sutherland

Affiliated lecturer in physics, University of Cambridge. @Cambridge_Uni
Активность на Кью
Affiliated lecturer in physics, University of Cambridge. @Cambridge_Uni

How does quantum computing work?

спрашиваетMark Hooper  · 1 ответ
Quantum computing involves using the weird properties of quantum mechanics to build a computer. We haven’t built one that works yet, but if a quantum computer is built it will be a very... Читать далее
Affiliated lecturer in physics, University of Cambridge. @Cambridge_Uni

Is quantum theory basically saying that 'anything can happen' in the physical world?

спрашиваетMark Hooper  · 1 ответ
With quantum theory you can calculate the probability of observing a particular outcome of an experiment or a measurement. But some events are very rare indeed. In the quantum football... Читать далее
Affiliated lecturer in physics, University of Cambridge. @Cambridge_Uni

How can you best explain quantum physics to a complete novice?

спрашиваетMark Hooper  · 1 ответ
I would define quantum theory as a set of rules governing how the universe works on a microscopic scale. By microscopic I mean on the scale of electrons and atoms. We know that the... Читать далее