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Мы сохранили весь контент, но добавить что-то новое уже нельзя

Louise Gulliver

Managing Director at the Institute of Directors. Chartered Marketer with 19 years’ B2B sales, marketing and business management experience. Previously Managing Director of TACK International Ltd. @The_IoD
Активность на Кью
Managing Director at the Institute of Directors. Chartered Marketer with 19 years’ B2B sales, marketing and business management experience. Previously Managing Director of TACK International Ltd. @The_IoD

What is the "glass ceiling" and why does it exist?

спрашиваетOlga Zeveleva  · 2 ответа
On conceding victory in the 2016 US Presidential Election, Hillary Clinton said to Republican rival Donald Trump: “Although we weren't able to shatter that highest, hardest glass ceiling... Читать далее