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Jodie Cook

Social media expert, entrepreneur and author of #winning at social media. @cookiewhirls
Активность на Кью
Social media expert, entrepreneur and author of #winning at social media. @cookiewhirls

How can I search the Internet without having my results filtered by an algorithm?

спрашиваетStephen Eastwood  · 2 ответа
With great difficulty, in short! And the reason for that is that it’s very much in the interests of every platform, including Facebook, to keep you on their site for as long as possible... Читать далее
Social media expert, entrepreneur and author of #winning at social media. @cookiewhirls

Is it weird to send a Facebook friend request to someone I barely know?

спрашиваетТоня Самсонова  · 1 ответ
Yes. It’s very weird! There’s an unwritten etiquette for different social platforms regarding what it's acceptable to do. With Twitter, you can feel free to follow someone that you don’t... Читать далее
Social media expert, entrepreneur and author of #winning at social media. @cookiewhirls

Is social media making us stupid?

спрашиваетGemma Williams  · 1 ответ
If you take Facebook as an example, they want to ensure you stay on their platform for as long as possible, and therefore they’re going to try to please you by showing you things you... Читать далее