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David Karpf

Associate Professor of Media & Public Affairs, the George Washington University, author of ‘The MoveOn Effect: The Unexpected Transformation of American Political Advocacy’. @davekarpf
Активность на Кью
Associate Professor of Media & Public Affairs, the George Washington University, author of ‘The MoveOn Effect: The Unexpected Transformation of American Political Advocacy’. @davekarpf

Could angry online politics ultimately make democracies ungovernable?

спрашиваетAndrew Mueller  · 1 ответ
The lowering of the transaction cost, making it easier to engage online, incentivises a lot of different behaviours – some of them good, some of them bad. But online engagement itself is... Читать далее
Associate Professor of Media & Public Affairs, the George Washington University, author of ‘The MoveOn Effect: The Unexpected Transformation of American Political Advocacy’. @davekarpf

Do online petitions work in America?

спрашиваетDionne Pemberton  · 1 ответ
They can work. There are two things we need to keep in mind when trying to answer that question. The first is: what are you trying to do? The second is: who are you trying to convince? A... Читать далее