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David Round

Master of Wine (member of the Institute of Masters of Wine), wine buying consultant, wine educator and wine trainer. Founder of Round About Wine. @davidroundmw www.facebook.com/RoundAboutWine/
Активность на Кью
Master of Wine (member of the Institute of Masters of Wine), wine buying consultant, wine educator and wine trainer. Founder of Round About Wine. @davidroundmw www.facebook.com/RoundAboutWine/

Can I return a bottle of wine if I've tasted it and I don't like it?

спрашиваетТоня Самсонова  · 1 ответ
Regardless of the circumstances and legalities, it is always worth trying. After all, it is in the interests of retailers and restaurants to keep their customers happy, and many will go... Читать далее
Master of Wine (member of the Institute of Masters of Wine), wine buying consultant, wine educator and wine trainer. Founder of Round About Wine. @davidroundmw www.facebook.com/RoundAboutWine/

How can I drink better wine?

спрашиваетLeona Thomas  · 1 ответ
This question goes straight to the heart of wine enjoyment. The short answer is to gain a little more knowledge, be a little braver and indulge your own natural curiosity. Personal taste... Читать далее