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Mira Manga

Known for a love of unicorns, all things D&D, devouring fantasy & scifi books, adventure game playing, self publicity and running an eclectic independent record label. (It's probably the unicorn thing that most people would associate with me!)
Активность на Кью
Known for a love of unicorns, all things D&D, devouring fantasy & scifi books, adventure game playing, self publicity and running an eclectic independent record label. (It's probably the unicorn thing that most people would associate with me!)

Is there a scientific basis to the myth of the unicorn?

спрашиваетТоня Самсонова  · 1 ответ
The magical being known as a unicorn has sadly never been discovered outside of fairytales. A skull fossil found in the Pavlodar region of Kazakhstan showed that a creature named "Elasmoth... Читать далее