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Мы сохранили весь контент, но добавить что-то новое уже нельзя

Antonio Giugno

Digital recruiter, mindset philosopher, experience coach, business owner and keynote speaker.
Активность на Кью
Digital recruiter, mindset philosopher, experience coach, business owner and keynote speaker.

What skills will I most need in the future digital economy?

спрашиваетEdie Mullen  · 1 ответ
The skills you need most depend on which career path you want to go down. Do you want to be the rockstar coder building the next generation of websites and apps? The digital general... Читать далее
Digital recruiter, mindset philosopher, experience coach, business owner and keynote speaker.

What big mistakes do people make when they’re looking for high-end jobs?

спрашиваетTheQSTN.com Team  · 1 ответ
Utilising too many sources of information (too many job sites, recruiters or agencies) is the most common error made by people searching for executive, C-Suite level jobs. Many candidates... Читать далее
Digital recruiter, mindset philosopher, experience coach, business owner and keynote speaker.

How can I make my CV irresistible?

спрашиваетTheQSTN.com Team  · 1 ответ
Of course your CV and the experience that you have need to fit the position to which you’re applying – but the key elements that distinguish the best CVs from the rest are specificity and... Читать далее